Főoldal/Ki kicsoda/Diego Sánchez

Diego Sánchez


La Liga



Diego Sánchez is a professional trained in Business Administration, currently responsible of business development at LaLiga for the Hungarian market (also Croatian, Bulgarian, Romanian and Serbian ones) as part of LaLiga Global Network Program, selected over 12500 applicants.   Previously he was working as Business Development Manager at FLIR Systems and enhanced his previous 4 years of career by managing international business development at Indra. He was part of the High Potential Program of the Company and  was granted Professional Excellence Award by Carlos III University in May 2015. He became as well Vice President of the Atlético de Madrid Volunteers Association between 2008 and 2016.   The international environment has been always linked to his professional development, even more when he was granted a State Scholarship to study a MBA in International Business and to work at the Spanish Embassy in Budapest in 2010.